Billable and Non-Billable

Who Pays for What?

Please refer to the chart below for services provided by Facilities & Operations and guidance on billable and non-billable items.

Billable service refers to services that are a cost to the requestor or the requestor's department.

Non-Billable service refers to services centrally budgeted for Facilities & Operations. 

For further information or specific issues not covered below please contact your Facilities Manager. For inquires related to DMAS and/or Workday charges please refer to the Facilities Operations & Planning Financial Services Team.

Issue Scenario Non-Billable Billable Who Pays?


AC For Building X F&O


AC for Departmental Equipment (i.e. Liebert) X Requestor


AC for Events (UM Sponsored Event) X F&O
AC for Events (Non-UM Sponsored Event) X Requestor
Fixtures Hanging items (Whiteboard, Picture, etc) X Requestor
Keys/Access Lock and Access Maintenance X F&O
Programming for Locks X F&O
Re-keying/Duplication X F&O
Painting Touch-Up/Light Painting X F&O
Paint Wall/Room X Requestor


Signage for Building X F&O
Signage for Office or Department X Requestor
Signage for Restrooms, Mechanical Rooms, etc X F&O
